This is where you will learn how to change the status of an existing ticket. 

Changing the status of a ticket

  • Step 1: Navigate the Properties-bar
  • Step 2: Select the relevant status
  • Step 3: Update

Step 1: Navigate the Properties-bar

  • On the right of the page is the Properties-bar
  • Scroll down till you find the Status field

Step 2: Select the relevant status

  • Click on the Status field and select the relevant status

Step 3: Update

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the Properties-bar
  • Click on the Update button

Foot Note:

The status should reflect where in the process the ticket is.

  1. If you have not worked on the ticket, the status should remain as Open
  2. If you are waiting for a collection number from a branch, the status should be set to Awaiting collection number
  3. If you are waiting for information from a colleague or agent, the status should be set to Pending (Internal feedback)
  4. If you are waiting for feedback from a client, the status should be set to Pending
  5. If the collection ticket came in after 2pm, the status should be set to Collect req. after cut-off
  6. If you are waiting for return stock to arrive, the status should be set to Waiting for RTS to arrive
  7. If you have fully resolved the query, the status should be set to Resolved
  8. Please NEVER use the Closed status