Ticket Management FAQ

This is all the info on how to manage your tickets effectively

Locate your unresolved tickets
This is where you will learn where to find all your unresolved tickets. How to find your unresolved tickets Step 1: Navigate to the Global Dashboa...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:41 AM
Create a new ticket
This is where you will learn how instructions on how to create a new ticket How to create a ticket Step 1: Open a new ticket Step 2: Complete the...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:34 AM
Reply to a ticket
This is where you will learn how to reply to a ticket. How to reply to a ticket Step 1: Navigate the ticket for the reply button Step 2: Add nece...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:38 AM
Forward a ticket
This is where you will learn how to forward a ticket.  How to forward a ticket Step 1: Navigate the ticket for the forward button Step 2: Add nec...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 1:24 PM
Add a note
This is where you will learn how add a note to a ticket How to add a note to a ticket Step 1: Navigate the ticket for the add note button Step 2:...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:40 AM
Merge a ticket
This is where you will learn how and why to merge a ticket  How to merge a ticket Step 1: Identify the tickets that address the same query Step 2...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:37 AM
Split a ticket
This is where you will learn how and why to split a ticket How to split a ticket Step 1: Navigate the ticket for the correct split point Step 2: ...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:38 AM
Create a child ticket
This is where you will learn how and when to create a child ticket How to create a child ticket Step 1: Navigate to and expand the toolbar Step 2...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:38 AM
Ticket status
This is where you will learn how to change the status of an existing ticket.  Changing the status of a ticket Step 1: Navigate the Properties-bar ...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Ticket type
This is where you will learn how to change the status of an existing ticket Changing the ticket type (category) Step 1: Navigate the Properties-bar ...
Wed, 22 Sep, 2021 at 10:24 AM