This is where you will learn how and why to merge a ticket 

How to merge a ticket

  • Step 1: Identify the tickets that address the same query
  • Step 2: Merge the tickets

Step 1: Identify the tickets that address the same query

  • Before creating a ticket, ensure there isn't already a ticket for the same query. 
  • Identify any existing tickets and ensure that you are not getting involved on the tail end of the query.

Step 2: Merge the tickets

  • Use the merge button at the top center of the ticket to merge the ticket with another. This will allow you to choose which ticket is the primary ticket that remains open.
  • Alternatively, if the 2 tickets are both in your ticket box you can check the blocks to the left of the tickets and hit the merge button. This action will cause the system to decide which ticket is the primary ticket.